Many times when I speak to people about raising money for chiropractic research that BJ would be proud of people respond by saying; “we don’t need research, we have a hundred plus years of success stories that prove what we do.”
That may be true but at the same time others are doing research that isn’t in alignment with our principle and traditional chiropractic models of care. Therefore, when someone does a literature search and googles chiropractic terms like manipulation and joint dysfunction show up instead of subluxation and adjustment.
Frankly stated we need to raise money because:
Millions of people are existing with chronic subluxation, living a compromised life, expressing less of their potential, getting sicker and sicker and dying ahead of schedule. Simply because they don’t know what we do. Policy makers (also subluxated) don’t understand what power truly lays behind the chiropractic adjustment. They need to and then they will create better policy for the people.
We need to do it because BJ would have us do it and it is the right thing to do.
Last year we had 44 golfers and raised 10G this year we would love to double it this year. We are in the process of establishing the Universal Subluxation Research Council/Foundation.
This years tournament (see attached flyer) is on September 11th, we need golfers and prizes. This is a great experience to share this with your patients as well. A great idea is to offer a spot in a foursome to the patient that refers the most patients in between now and the tourney. Or offer a raffle ticket per referral!
Many patients are in a position to donate great silent auction prizes!
Perhaps some of you receiving this are too far away to attend this tourney, but you could start one of your own 🙂 Please share this vision with your circle and if you are moved to donate prizes we would welcome them!
For the principle and the people.
Here’s the flyer.